My presents are wrapped, and cards were posted before (ok, on) the last posting day. Christmas dinner is bought. We hosted a small festive gathering, and I made food in advance, the day before we went to the seaside.
I'm not quite sure what's come over me.
Somehow, this year I got organised.
If you've not heard of it, it's a system for getting your home in order through a series of routines and small daily actions. There are some things about it that don't work for me, and some that do, but I've never managed to stick to it for long. A few weeks ago, I started Day 1 of the 'babysteps' - a 31 day hand-holding to get you started. Each day is really straightforward, some are the same as the last, but over the course of a month they build routines, which I was sorely lacking.
My family will tell you I've never really been interested in housework. I was telling a friend the other day that my mum always said I was an 'enthusiastic' washer-upper (read: not very good at it - I noticed my friend did rinse his own mug out after that). I've never got into the habit of putting away after myself, and often feel overwhelmed in this house which at times feels too big, with too much stuff.
But not any more! Well, not for the time being anyway. It's quite simple. In the morning, I get up, and get washed and dressed while I'm still upstairs, before breakfast. I check to see if there's washing to be done, put the kettle on, open the curtains and straighten the sofa cushions. After breakfast I wash my bowl and get on with my day.
At some point in the afternoon (after work, or after lunch) I hang the washing up if I put any on, put the recycling and compost outside, and spend 15 minutes pottering in the current 'zone' - (each month the house is divided into five zones, one per week). This week is the bedroom, and the 15 minutes is usually spent decluttering, or cleaning, or whatever needs doing in that zone. If nothing needs doing (unlikely in this house), I sit down with a book instead. Then I check my diary, and prepare my bag for tomorrow.
After tea, I wash up, clean the sink, and get my clothes ready for the next day.
I know that some of you will be reading this and thinking 'er, isn't this just normal life?' Well, yes, for some people - but not for me. In the past I've been far more likely to still be in my dressing gown at lunchtime, last night's pots still in the sink, washing not done for a fortnight, and after going away for a weekend clothes might stay in the suitcase for another fortnight.
So it might not last, but for the time being I'm enjoying the feeling of being far-more-organised-than-usual. Long may it continue.
All this waffle is to say that yesterdayI went into town to meet a friend, and didn't buy a single Christmas present. (Actually, that's a lie - I spotted a small cheerful thing for Peter in a charity shop on the way home, but I wasn't looking for it) Instead, I ambled there, looking at the scenery and bits of town that I don't usually have time to stop and look at.
Hoping you have a peaceful festive season too.